
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Torture of Austalian Sheep, Cattle Exports

Act now - 'They' will vote on Thursday August 18

.... G'Day!! This very day, You have REAL power ....
....                                                                         ....

In a land just north of Australia, in a wannabe Superpower,
Auschwitz -and worse- is a reality.

Many of our sicker Federal politicians, including Julia Gillard, Bob Katter and Tony Abbott,
reckon this senseless, barbaric transportation, trafficking, torture and death is OK.

This place of savagery is not East Timor. Nor Guantanamo Bay...

<<<<<<<<       This is WORSE!!!       >>>>>>>>

Watch the unbelievable videos at  -
Ask your heartless, torture-loving Parliamentarians to imagine their own
loved ones being whipped, kicked, bashed, bound with rope and
throats cut in half.

BANLIVEEXPORTS.COM makes it so easy to contact your local Federal torturers.

Act now - 'They' will vote on Thursday August 18. Andrew Wilkie, Nick Xenophon and the Australian Greens will then move a Private Member's Bill. We will then see who cares about Indonesia brutality to defence-less vote-less dignity-less cattle.

This blog will record the voting.

Where are all the celebrities this time? Where is PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of animals?
Well, forget Nicole Kidman.  She's linked to the owners of the pastoral empire of Sidney Kidman (1857-1935). It is the largest on Earth!!
Here are several of the many media articles on the savages torturing /allowing torture.
Brigitte Bardot urges Australia to stop live exports
Slaughterhouse live: Our bloody cattle exports
(Indonesian) Activists Demand Protection for Animals

Thousands protest against live exports

At least one thoughtful email/call/etc is needed - NOW.

Your MHRs and Senators in Canberra are waiting for you to stampede them with positive energies...

Here's the letter i received from re Indonesian butchery. (Indonesia has a history of slaughter.)

It spells out your opportunity to speak out.

Thank you for speaking out on behalf of Bill, Brian, Tommy, Arthur, Dudley, and all animals who deserve protection from the cruelty of live animal export.

What the live export industry fears most is exposure -- because they know of the power held by informed people like you who will not tolerate animal cruelty. If you'd like to make an even bigger impact, here are some simple, but powerful ways you can help support the campaign to end live animal exports:

The Gillard Government will take 2 months to pass judgement over the use of cruel restraint boxes. Can you do better? Click here to judge for yourself.

Send Julia Gillard a quick note on facebook and twitter to remind her you want live exports banned:

On her facebook page:

On twitter: @JuliaGillard

Other ways: Julia Gillard's web form

Make your voice heard -- join virtual protest!

Get active for animals on facebook and twitter, and help spread the word.

Order your free live animal export action pack from Animals Australia.

The campaign is jointly run by Australia's two peak animal protection bodies -- RSPCA Australia and Animals Australia. If you'd like to support our work, please consider making a donation today.

Thank you again,

The team