Jones media onslaught suggests politics at play
$80,000 a day cost of 'hate campaign'
This isn't the real Alan Jones
So now they are attacking aging homosexuals...
'They' being the anti-Australian, over-educated, affluent, latte-sipping, alcohol-sipping, bandwagon-jumping, atheistic, cultural egoist, ABC-adoring, feminish, elitist, cliquey, 'holier than thou' multiculturalist, pseudo-cosmopolitans in trendy suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. (The only cities that matter to our politicians.)
The hypocrites !! Attacking Alan Jones for being, well, Alan Jones, is below the belt.
He wasn't even allowed to make off-colour remarks at a Young Liberal MAD (mutual admiration society) dinner?? What else do you do when giving an address to a semi-closed pow-wow of Sydney Uni?? Talk about Homer and The Simpsons? Talk about his first encounter with the Tooth Fairy?
Why didn't they brutalise 3AW shock-jock Derryn 'Human Headline' Hinch?
Whatever you think of him, he's been allowed by the gullibe mobs to put his boot in his well-oiled mouth many times.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has orchestrated this high-level attack on the pro-Australian, former celebrated Australian rugby coaching, Liberal-supporting, wealthy, 'cash-for-comment' powerful 70 years young radioman. He was set-up by some ABC journalist who was looking for trouble. Alan Jones had commented in his speech that the PM's father "died of shame".
If he did, he surely wouldn't be the first parent to do so. There are lots of heroin users and gamblers and career criminals and street prostitutes and paedo-people and other deadbeats out there created by our twisted Australian society, its lack of leadership and its spineless media.
Let those without sin (ie making mistakes) cast the first boulders.