
Saturday, November 3, 2012

EcoFaith Cybercommunity believes in ROMNEY

The world is not just in an mess.  It is in a bottomless hole.  A B Y S S

Perhaps we need a change ....

Barack Obama has had his day. Razzamatazz. "Yes, We Can". Etc. He was surely a great speechmaker in the early days.

He ordered the elite Navy Seals to kill namesake Osama Bin Laden.

The President of the World was watching live television footage in the White House of the invasion of OBL's spartan hideout. President Barack Hussein Obama displayed BLOODLUST - nothing less - while viewing the hunt from a comfortable White House.

For all the hoo-haa, no-one produced OBL's body. For all we know, OBL could have been minced up and served in McBurgers. Obama, you have a duty to tell people (with proof) where the body is.

President Obama, where is the transparency you promised?

Mitt Romney (born 1947, Detroit)  is certainly a trier. As well as being elected Governor of Massachusetts (capital: Boston), Romney had a go at the 2008 Republican Presidential contest. John McAin was the eventual victor.

His father George went for the 1968 contest

Mitt was originally named Willard Romney after family friend and Mormon hotelier J. Willard Marriott.

Give the 'new' boy a chance . He has some long-term conviction.

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