Well it`s time to update this magnificent blog.
Since we last spoke, the world is a much much filthier place. The controllers of God`s spinning globe have even started to look for new planets and moons to profit from and destroy. What fun!! New temporary Promised Lands to re-populate, manipulate and annhialate.
In case you are a tribal person deep in the Amazon jungle, far removed from facial recognition, algorithm, driverless vehicle and Bitcoin technologies, you will have heard of President Donald Trump. He has himself disrupted the cushy lives of the journalist, lobbyist and treehugging olitical class. Americans had the choice between President Donald or President Hillary. Both were obscenely rich. But The Donald appealed to the Forgotten People of America. Those non-Establishment people would never have their 15 minutes of fame. Donald Trump grew from strength to strength. His support increased in inverse proportion to his mistakes or. When all was said and done, it was tne Republican`s turn to win. President Barack Obama (Democrats) was in for 8 years. To use a famous Australian campaign slogan, it was time. As for Hillary Clinton, the Clinton dynasty just had too many liabilities. The other side won`t let the President govern. They wouldn`t ban immigrants from Yemen and other nations. They won`t let him build a wall despite America`s true leaders - wealthy Jews - already having an 8 metre (26.3 ft) Great Wall to keep out anyone who looks Arab. (What cheek to accuse others of anti-semitism when they are the leading example!!) The Democrat Establishment is hurting bad and won`t let the President scratch his nose.
What is most annoying is the globalisation of the Impeach Trump mob.
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