
Monday, April 27, 2020

Is your facade slipping ???

Is  the  facade  slipping  ???

Are there chinks in the Coronavirus saga ???

With thousands struck down by this mysterious virus every day, how can government leaders talk up the economy and exiting Corona and relaxing restrictions and even vamping up mass testing.

Wasn't Coronavirus supposed to resemble Armageddon ???

Yes, the chinks in the opaque Coronavirus COVID19 saga - David Icke says it's the Hunger Games - are reflecting small swords of light. At least, this is how it seems.

How selfish of countries like Australia to talk about exit strategies when people in other nations are dropping like flies !!!  Prime Minister Scott Morrison should hang his head Inn shame.

Watch out world !!!

This is the time when we must stay rational and WATCH.

WATCH megacorporations and their leaders.

WATCH BigTech.

WATCH governments.

WATCH BigPharm and those senior medical officers

Reject attempts by Amazon and Google to use this Corona era to further control and manipulate society.

Reject Tracking Apps. Australia is adopting a Singapore Tracking App called COVIDSAFE and is using high-pressure selling tactics. The Federal Government is bribing Australians. If 40% of the population are tracked, then the Social Distancing will end. It has already lied in not giving out the coding (Source Code) in the Tracking App. (There will be a two-week delay.)

The App will allow AMAZON and even CHINA to use data. The wealthiest man on Earth is JEFF BEZOS. He is another Jewish man owner of vast resources. Washington Post, 'Cloud' computing, Whole Foods (US grocers) and of course the union-hating cash cow (squeeze everyone) Amazon.

Please reject any further assaults on individuality. Do you want to be Chinese robots ???

Reject China.

They WILL use your data.

Reject the Census. Americans, are you listening ??? (They are in a census period now.) Census data is highly marketable for big corporations, McDonalds needs your demographic data so it can reach 40,000 stores (currently 36,000). The same for copycats eg KFC, Pizza Hut.

On the App  COVIDsafe

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